Upcoming Contemporary Art Museum Activities
February 27, 2023
The Contemporary Art Museum will be hosting several events in the upcoming weeks for the general public. Most of them are inspired by the current exhibition, Where Do We Go From Here?, the biennial exhibition that showcases works from teenagers across the city and is conducted by the CAMH Teen Council. This is the 13th time the exhibition has been held since its introduction in 1996.
First on Saturday March 4th, there will be a open studio focused on designing your own buttons and sticker. Bring in your own designs and learn how to best transcribe them to either button pins or stickers.
The next event will be a drop-in experience on Saturday, March 11th, and will involve creating 3-D portraits with pipe-cleaners. Try and create your own head in a 3-D by using a few pipe-cleaners and see how well you fair.
On March 18th, there will be a fashion show showcasing local teenage designers & stylists along with activities before the show that includes the creation of a collaborative sculpture and DIY journal and tote bag making. The Fashion Show starts at 3:30pm.
On March 25 there will be performances in conjunction with the Where Do We Go From Here? exhibition hosted by the Teen Council and will include live music and spoken word by teenage artists from the greater Houston area.
On April 1st, another open-studio will be held and this one is inspired by Above the Past (2022) by Zoe Villalobo. It will involve making small sculptures out of paper and tape.
Most of the events will be held between 1:oopm and 4:00pm, but the events on March 25th and April 1st will be held between 2:00pm and 4:00pm. All the events are free but in the case of the Fashion Show/journal/tote bag making on March 18th and the Performances on March 25th it is encouraged to RSVP due to limited supplies and seating.
The Contemporary Art Museum is free to the general public and donations are welcomed so as to fund more events like this as well as keep the museum free for future patrons. Please go to the following link to read up on the Covid-19 guidelines: Covid-19 Safety Protocols. The Museum is located in the Museum District near the Fine Arts Museum on 5216 Montrose Boulevard. It is the short building covered in corrugated-metal siding.