Moms Demand Action on gun control
Moms Demand Action protesting Houston Zoo’s decision to remove signs prohibiting gun carry in the park.
October 14, 2015
On Jan. 1, 2016, new gun laws in Texas go into effect. This allows is for concealed handgun license owners to carry openly. The Bill has been getting a lot of attention lately.
An organization by the name Moms Demand Action has been building a reputation for challenging lawmakers.
Moms Demand Action was created after the Sandy Hook’s shooting, where Adam Lanza had taken the lives of 20 students, ages of 6 to 7, and six adults.
Shortly after, Shannon Watts created a Facebook page and reached out to people who are dissatisfied with the state of gun violence in America and lawmakers’ response towards it.
Shortly after, the Facebook page got the attention of mothers across the nation and people from all different backgrounds.
“When I went to Austin to speak to lawmakers about campus carry, one of my co-advocates was a survivor for the Virginia Tech Massacre”, Alexandra Chasse, an English as a Second Language professor at Rice University and a volunteer for Moms Demand Action.
“Even among industrialized nations where gun ownership is permitted, we [the U.S.] happen to be an outlier. And that can be traced back the fact that the laws surrounding gun ownership are so lax,” Chasse states.
Publicity has been increasing after the Sept 19 protest at the Houston Zoo, after the zoo was forced to remove their signs prohibiting gun carry.
After hearing about the zoo, Moms Demand Action formed a rally within 3 to 4 days. “For a lot of people with families, that is not an easy thing to do,” Chasse added.
“A license holder commits an offense if the license holder intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carries a handgun regardless of whether the handgun is concealed or carried on a shoulder or belt holster,” states House Bill 910.
How can someone be skilled to tell the difference between someone with good intentions and someone without? Would lawmakers put innocent lives at risk to make the bill a success?
There have been numerous shootings in school campuses around the nation. The ultimate goal of Moms Demand Action is for more comprehensive background checks on people who wish to own a handgun. The organization does not oppose of guns, only the laws around guns.
There have been accomplishments within the organization. One that stands out is the bill to carry on school campuses is not in its original form.
“Now, what you have is a bill which allows public universities to have more local control in carving out areas on their campuses, and more say about where people can and cannot carry firearms,” Chasse added.
Chasse assured that Moms Demand Action “is here to stay, and we intend to see this through.”
MrApple • Oct 15, 2015 at 1:11 pm
And since you brought up the Sandy Hook Shooting, what if ANYTHING that Moms Demand/Bloomberg’s puppets promotes as “common sense” gun laws/reforms would have stopped that horrific event?
Lee Cruse • Oct 15, 2015 at 12:56 pm
Shannon, web site was all designed and funded by Bloomberg well before Sandy Hook. Her site was up before the public even knew the numbers of people killed. The MOM are a high end PR organization with mostly paid members. And of course the truth of the matter at Sandy Hook the only way to prevented the children being killed would to have had the staff (or at lease some of the staff) armed and trained, however the MOM never deal in facts.
Since the Texas Open Carry law is WITH A LICENSE we have good stats as to how a CHL person being present will affect the level of danger provided by Texas Department of Public Safety.
Conviction rate for Peace Officers, CHL holders and the general public.
2011 Stats:
General public = 362.47 per 100,000
Peace Officer = 103 per 100,000
CHL holder = 23.14 per 100,000
Yup! Peace officers in TX have a 5x higher conviction rate than CHL holders! And that’s with CHL holders having additional laws they must follow above and beyond the others!
Licensed Law abiding citizens ARE NOT the problem. Its the General public that are!
It is not mathematically possible for CHL holders carrying in an area to increase crime
Geoff • Oct 15, 2015 at 8:42 am
I count 20 people, not including the little kids who probably don’t understand what is going on anyway. They want to see the animals!
Don’t like guns? DON’T BUY ONE!