NFL arrest season starts fast
In this Jan. 30 photo, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell participates in a news conference for the NFL Super Bowl XLIX football game in Phoenix. Goodell said during the Super Bowl great progress had been made regarding conduct across the league. Yet early into 2015, there have been more than a half-dozen players arrested, a star suspended, an agent indicted, a popular player entering rehab and a Hall of Famer fired.
February 12, 2015

Super Bowl XLIL was one of the best of all time, but with less than 24 hours after the clock hit triple zeros, the National Football League was in the negative spotlight once again.
On Monday morning, NFL Hall of Famer and NFL Network analyst Warren Sapp was arrested at the Renaissance Hotel in Phoenix. Sapp was charged with prostitution and assault charges. Sapp is alleged to have solicited a prostitute and assaulted two women.
If convicted, Sapp could face a maximum penalty of $2,500 in fines, six months in jail, and three years of probation for the assaults and a mandatory 15 days in jail if convicted on the prostitution charge.
Later on Monday, Terrence Cody was indicted in Baltimore on 15 charges; including two counts of aggravated animal cruelty to a dog, five counts of animal abuse or neglect to a dog and one count of illegal possession of an alligator. He was also indicted on a count of illegal possession of marijuana.
Cody faces up to three years in prison and a $5,000 fine.
Letroy Guion was pulled over in Starke, Florida, on Feb. 3rd and was found to have 357 grams of marijuana, a 9mm semi-automatic handgun and $190,000 in cash in his vehicle. Guion was released from Bradford County jail on Wednesday on $100,000 bail and is awaiting trial.
D’Qwell Jackson was arrested on Feb. 3rd after being accused of hitting a pizza delivery driver in the head in a dispute over a parking space in Washington, D.C. Jackson could face 180 days in jail if he is found guilty of the accusations.
Joseph Randle was arrested for the second time in less than four months. The mother of his child called 911 and stated that Randle was fighting with her. When police arrived at the hotel in Wichita, Kansas Randle was arrested, but not taken to jail on possession of marijuana. Randle was ordered to appear in court in three weeks for the possession of marijuana. On Friday charges for marijuana against Randle were dropped. There is still an ongoing investigation on the alleged act of Randle pulling a gun out and aiming it at a car in which his son was in.
After a long season which was filled with many controversial disciplinary actions that were handed out by the commissioner of the NFL, Roger Goodell, many of the NFL’s upper management were ready for the off-season to begin. Now that the off-season is here those same executives may start looking for a new leader that will discipline its players with a tighter fist.
In 2014 there were 48 arrests made of NFL players.
This year they are off to a running start to meet or beat that number.