Deadline to apply for graduation ceremony: April 1st
This is your last chance to apply for graduation. Missing the deadline on April 1st means you won’t be able to participate in the graduation ceremony. Setting up a meeting with your advisor is a great first step if you need help figuring out if you’re grad-eligible. Applying can be as easy as signing into your student portal and filling out the application. No application, no ceremony – so don’t forget to do it!
Register for the ceremony deadline: April 18th
After applying for graduation, you do have to register for which ceremony you would like to participate in; there are two times that you could pick from. Both of these steps are vital in order to participate in the graduation ceremony. You would still be on track to graduate and get a degree sent to you, just no ceremony. According to, among Americans in the age range of 20-24 years, “25.9% have college degrees (associate’s or higher).” You’ve come this far; work this hard; celebrate it! The ceremony is on May 16, 2025, at the NRG arena each graduate gets four guest tickets. All ceremony info will be periodically sent to your student email, so you don’t have to remember all the steps.
Order your Cap and Gown
Once you’re all registered for the ceremony, you need to order your cap and gown. You can purchase a cap and gown at the bookstore or online bookstore until April 12. You will get emails from the school with everything that you need to know about where and how to purchase.
HCC is there to help
Any questions about eligibility for graduation, reach out to your advisor. If you are concerned about the graduation ceremony process, you can email don’t hesitate to contact. Be sure to frequently check your student email, keep an eye on all graduation updates.
Apply to graduate by April 1st to walk.
Register for the ceremony by April 18th.
If you wait to apply until after April 1st you will graduate as long as you meet requirements but WON’T BE ABLE TO IN CEREMONY.
Graduation is May 16, 2025, at the NRG arena.
Once you are registered for the ceremony you need to purchase your cap and gown.
Check your emails frequently.