Congratulations to the upcoming HCC graduating class!
As we approach the end of the semester, we must prepare to say goodbye and good luck to the HCC graduating class of ’24. These students have worked hard and studied hard, and they are now beginning to move on to the next chapter of their lives. We are faced with this bittersweet situation, of being happy and proud of our accomplishments at this fine institution, along with a looming question above our heads, “What’s Next?”.
Interview With Student Set To Graduate

In order to better contextualize the HCC experience, I interviewed an upcoming HCC graduate, Daniel Blackmon. Mr. Blackmon is a Social Sciences major who has attended HCC for five semesters, primarily at Central Campus.
Question: What was your first day at HCC like?
D. Blackmon: My first day was good, I remember being impressed by the size of the campus. Luckily I was able to get help to find my classes easily, and I also remember thinking my professor was nice.
Question: What are your plans for after graduation looking like?
D. Blackmon: My plans after graduation are to get a job, but I don’t really know what exactly I’m going to do yet. I am however, planning on furthering my education at UofH next semester.
Question: Do you feel like HCC provided a supportive learning environment?
D. Blackmon: I do feel like HCC provided a supportive environment. In most of all my classes, I had a professor that was really interested in teaching and communicating with the class in order to get the best results. And the councilors and advisors are very helpful
Question: How would you describe your HCC experience?
D. Blackmon: I think my time here at HCC has helped me learn and practice a lot of skills after coming out of high school.
Question: Who was your favorite teacher?
D. Blackmon: My favorite teacher was Dr. Roman Alvarez in developmental psychology. He really inspired me to think about things differently, and his passion for teaching is clear from his teaching style as well as the environment he fosters in his class rooms.
Question: What class would you never take again?
D. Blackmon: I don’t know what classes I wouldn’t take again, I like to think I enjoyed all my classes a little bit in their own ways.
Question: What’s your favorite hang-out spot on campus?
D. Blackmon: I like to sit by the benches by the parking garage close to the FAC. The trees there provide a good shade. The San Jac building is also a nice place to be, as there’s plenty of seating and tables for studying
Question: Did you feel like it was easy to make friends on campus?
D. Blackmon: I felt like making friends was not the easiest, as this is considered a commuter school, but when I put myself out there, I found people pretty fast. It’s really all about just getting yourself out there and chit-chatting, being nice to interact with never hurt anybody.
The interview concluded on a bright note, and we wish Mr. Blackmon good luck in his future endeavors.