As the 4th of July weekend approaches, we need to prepare our pets for what’s ahead. There are many things we can do to make them feel a bit more comfortable during all the celebrations.
As parents, we would want our pets to be a part of the celebrations but it is best to keep them indoors. There are many accidents that can happen such as:
- Firework malfunctions
- Gun shots
- Food or alcoholic drinks left unattended
- Pet might flea due to loud noises
It’s best to create a safe space for them inside your home, preferably a room filled with toys or treats for distraction.
If you’re planning on hosting other guests inside your home, make sure to place them in a room farthest from the commotion especially if your pet is already a nervous animal on the day-to-day.
Make sure no one barges into said room, this could make your pet feel overwhelmed which cane make this experience worse for them.
An anxiety vest could also help, as well as a thunder shirt. These are made to feel like a comforting hug to them, this is a great option if you’re leaving them home alone.
Other great options could be over-the-counter anxiety treats. Or you could visit your local veterinarian for prescribed anxiety medications if those don’t seem to help.
It is best to try these calming strategies about 1-2 weeks prior to any stressful event in order to train your pet on what’s about to come, and to better asses what works for them and what doesn’t.
Remember you can’t expect them to know it’s the 4th of July weekend. Although they will be able to sense the ear piercing noises from outside. This is why taking these precautions can help make a huge difference to them.
Good luck, Happy 4th!