My experience here at HCC Northline has been filled with community, kindness, and triumph! I am Tammarious Scott, a student here at HCC, a member of their Honors program, and a recipient of the Houston Association of Black Journalists reward. I am completing my sophomore year here with the college and have been ecstatic to use the experiences of my post-secondary education to grow into adulthood.

I graduated from Cypress Falls highschool as Suma Cum Laude through devastating personal hardship. Once I graduated, I felt lost as to where life would take me to, or even if I would go to college. That is when I was approached by my amazing director, soon-to-be Dr. Carolyn Cross. Ms. Cross gave me the opportunity to come and study at Houston Community for completely free along with a cohort of other scholars! Imagine my excitement to find that I would join a supportive and loving cohort that treats me like family, along with free education to succeed in my career!
My journey began in the Fall of 2022 with a small group of fellow students who all had dreams they were working toward. We spent the first semester mingling and supporting each other through our first real college classes. Starting out with the normal four full-time courses, college seemed like a breeze. Almost like a second part of high school, the comfortable feeling of completing my work with little effort made me falsely secure about how the year would go. My birthday occurred in October and since having the most exhilarating birthday party thrown by my wonderful cohort, I began to be much more lenient about my class effort. It was fine up until the second semester when I started feeling burnt out already. I had a rough semester struggling to academically equip myself with the right resources to continue better.
Luckily, through the kind counseling staff at HCC, the guidance of Director Cross, and support from my second family, I was able to make a large turnaround in my academic work. College became a breeze again, and having study sessions with friends, and meetings with teachers slowly began to boost me where I needed to be.
Two years later of HCC experience and I feel like a whole new person. Participating in servicing the local community around me, a trip bringing me to a country I never would have seen myself in, and meeting people who I can confidently say have had a huge positive impact on my life. I have obtained many life skills and strategies that I can not wait to use further in life. I am forever thankful to Ms. Carolyn and the entirety of HCC for my time enrolled in the program, and for being a part of the college, thank you!