We all wish our precious pets would live long and grow old with us but their little life expectancy gets in the way. Well, one Japanese scientist found one of the main reasons we don’t get to age with our buddies and created an astounding solution to it!
Toru Miyazaki discovered the leading cause of aging death in cats was through kidney disease caused by blockages and build-up over time. He figured that if we were able to prevent buildup, we could stop onset kidney failure to give felines a longer fighting chance!
Well within the cat’s bloodstream, their white bloodcells are in charge of breaking down blockages and preventing diseases, but they tend to get unhealthy and die off too early to prevent more that come. This is where his new highly tested pet vaccination comes into play. Miyazaki created the AIM vaccine that uses the AIM protein already found in a cat’s blood to increase the health of white blood cells and keep them kicking! He’s found already with mice and cats he’s tested it on, and that so far has given them an extra 6 years to their life! He expects with further research they’ll be able to double their expectancies!
Since beginning this research in 2006 he has since already become FDA-approved and plans to make it available to the public as soon as 2025! As well as promising that it will be affordable to all pet owners. The research is currently aimed toward feline animals but he has found that so far the vaccine works well in dogs too!
Once they get the vaccination out to veterinarians for use, Miyazaki has already begun research on attempting to include the aim protein in a cat’s food. Becoming even more affordable and accessible for public use! Will you be first in line to get your furry friend’s potion of life?