On March 17, 2024, Max released a brand new documentary called “Quiet On Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV” which centers around the disturbing events behind the scenes of Nickelodeon’s most popular shows, including All That, iCarly and Victorious. Interviewing with several former Nickelodeon stars, they shared about their experiences with the main showrunner, Dan Schneider, and how he would have inappropriate motives towards them, especially when he would give them massages.
On his YouTube channel, DanWarp, the showrunner sat with BooG!e, also known as T-Bo from iCarly, who interviewed him after the release of Quiet On Set where he apologized for his controversial actions with the former child actors.
Schneider stated, “There was so many times I wanted to pick up a phone and call some of those people and say, ‘I’m so sorry’ and ‘let’s talk about it’ and ‘I wish you had a better time’ and ‘I wish I could have shown you a better experience.'”
Dan Schneider wasn’t the only one who was abusive to the child stars, which Drake Bell shares in an interview about his shocking experience with dialogue coach Brian Peck and how he would be sexually abused during his time as a teen actor. According to Olivia Singh on businessinsider.com, it states that Bell’s co-star Josh Peck reached out to him after watching the documentary to offer his support.
Hearing about what the former child actors would have to go through during their time with Dan Schneider was truly heartbreaking. It’s the unfortunate reality that seems to be a trend with Hollywood where what seems to be paradise and joy for these actors turns out to be a traumatic experience that will affect them for many years to come. An apology from Dan Schneider is not enough for what he has made these actors go through. He needs to take responsibility for his actions.