Although technology has brought many benefits to society, it has also brought devasting consequences to the essence of personal and their state of being. What is the point of being a functioning person if you will not use your able body to do your daily tasks? Before I talk about the cons of technology, we must mention the great things and how far it has brought our civilization. We are able to communicate to people on the other side of family and reach distant relatives in the matter of minutes. It improves efficiency and productivity in many businesses. As I write this, I am using a device that is allowing me to express myself through a screen. It saves a lot of our time. There are also prosthetics available for those with living with disabilities.
Now that I’ve mentioned the good, the bad must inevitably be said. The bad thing is not the technology itself but the way it is being used. I believe when there is a balance of things in your life only then can one function. If someone absorbs whatever they see on their screens for a long period of time they will inevitably take from that whether the content is good or bad for the mental state. Humans have become lazy to the extent that some don’t even leave their homes because all they need is in the comfort of their homes which includes work from home, food delivery, shopping, and entertainment. A person cannot live off just that on a daily basis or else they will eventually fall into depression. They start becoming dependable on their devices so much so that they start developing attachment issues. It also wastes a lot of time which can be used to go out and do something good. I personally have noticed one of these problems within my own space. A friend of mine sent me a funny video and of course I watched it and enjoyed the content but after that it was over, I found myself scrolling for an hour and a half. Now having done that I found myself within a mix of various emotions because I just consumed a mass amount of content that contained humor, sadness, joy, comfort, and violence. This could not be good for a person. I didn’t know what to feel and I have wasted my time when I could have been doing something productive. Such as going to gym, going out for walk in nature, and spending quality time with loved ones. Doing things that makes us human, things that make us feel alive.
It will only become more and more advanced as time goes on so I not only fear for the people today but for the ones in the future. Is technology bad? I wouldn’t say technology itself is bad but the way it is being used by the user. “Don’t let it use you and use it to your advantage.”