Orange Fever: Why You Need to Experience a Houston Dynamo Game
Hustle Town supporters preparing to cheer Dynamo players on April 8, 2023
April 20, 2023
Houston is known for their sports teams and their fans. H-Town is home to many sports teams, from our 2022 World Series Champions, the Houston Astros, to our Football team, the Houston Texans. However, in a nation where one of the biggest sports in the world isn’t as celebrated, there’s this little brother for Houston sports, the Houston Dynamo. The Dynamos, whose name refers to Houston being an energy-based industrial economy, is one of the many teams in the Male Soccer League, or MLS for short, that brings the beautiful game of Futbol (Soccer) to the states. Compared to other soccer organizations outside the States, soccer is not as enjoyed by the general public compared to football and baseball games since not many understand the sport. And what better way to encourage Houstonians to attend a dynamo game than by Dynamo’s die-hard fans, the Hustle Town Supporters!

Our first Hustle Town Super fan is Rosendo Castillo, a soccer coach himself, who has been a season ticket holder for over nine years. He became a dynamo fan by just loving the sport, and once he started coming to the games, he couldn’t stop. “I used to come by myself, but meeting people and talking to people it’s been fun. We enjoy the wins, the heartbreaks, and everything together.” The game includes a live band playing the whole game with chants such as Dale Dale Dale Dynamo (Come on Come on Come on Dynamo) from the hustle town stands. Rosendo comes to all home season games with his mom, and they stay in the Hustle Town fan standing and explain how fans can see everything and hear everything. “There’s no bad view, you can go anywhere and still have a great view, you got to come out and try it out!” From the stand, fans can see Dynamo Players, and have the opportunity to talk to them just as to chant them on. A notable moment is whenever the Goalpepper for the Dynamo, Steve Clark, saves and blocks shots, you’re able to hear a roar of people chanting: “STEVE STEVE STEVE.”

Our second Hustle Town Super fans are Azalia and Brett Chaffee. As a great MLS love story, they met in 2011 in an MLS cup in Los Angeles. They didn’t know each other, however, they knew they supported the team. Years later, in 2016, they got married, and they now both support the team they passionately love and united them, to begin with, every weekend. When the team scores a goal, a Texas flag comes out through the crowd showing a giant size texas flag with the dynamo colors being black, orange, and white. Fans in Hustle Town also make sure that the player of the match from the team gets a signed flag from all the supporters from the section. The flag shows integrity and how grateful the fans are for the team and players as a whole. Azalia expresses why many people ignore soccer “A lot of people don’t understand the sport, so they just think soccer is boring and they don’t come to a game. My recommendation is to come out to a game just to experience it and see what it is about, and I guarantee they will fall in love, they will want to come out to the next game.” Some notable things this couple has experienced were the back-to-back championship wins in 2006 and 2007.

Last but not least, we have the founder of Dynamo Fan TV, Jorge Sapon. Sapon became a fan of the Dynamo back in 2006 when he was only four years old. He Created Dynamo Fan TV to give fans a point of view that they’re not always able to see. Sapon describes this one-of-a-kind experience as “It gives me joy to do it because I’m a fan and i can cover the team that i love on my own.” Sapon says the supporter’s section is the best spot to experience the games “You’re the twelve man, just like in football and soccer.”
For those who think soccer or the MLS doesn’t have much to offer, these die-hard fans would love to give a new experience to show others. Soccer is a sport easy to learn and can guarantee to make anyone a fan once they know the basics. Once you know the rules, you’ll never want to miss another game, not only for the excitement of all 90 minutes but also for the electric fanbase. Hustle Town is full of energy, a sense that no matter what, you’re cheering your team for 90 minutes non-stop an experience unique to soccer. It’s time to allow the Houston Dynamo up in the ranks for many to be part of the community and cheer them on.
Follow The Houston Dynamo on their Socials @HoustonDynamo and more information about their 2023 season can be found at:
Sound warning: This is how loud Houston Supporters can get!